c-bass Conference

Hillbilly Hifi + Tom Bauminista’s Dub Conference Hifi

Hillbilly Hifi returns(*) to c-base for another deep dive into sound, putting the venue’s vibration dampeners to the ultimate test.

This time, they’re teaming up with Berlin dub veteran Tom Bauminista, who will debut his own sound system, Dub Conference Hifi, for the first time in public.

Strictly conference style all night long.

Before the night kicks off Ju Lion (basscomesaveme) will lead a brief hands-on dive into the setup and performance of reggae/dub sound systems. Starting from a brief historical context to understand the evolution of these systems. We will examine why it uses a variety of speakers and how these are managed to performance techniques that distinguish such soundsystems from traditional DJ mixer methods.

Afterwards DaveMad (Hillbilly Hifi) will host his notorious „Spanngurt Workshop,“ in order to rid the world from the curse of the evil Spanngurts.

Set within the legendary c-base, a grounded spaceship hidden in the heart of Berlin, this event promises a day and night of knowledge-sharing, bass exploration, and pure sonic power.

Come feel the vibrations!

17:00 Warming up the Soundsystems

18:00 Workshops

20:00 Evening Program

    (*) after Hillbilly Hifi in Space in 2023 and c-bass: Hack! in 2024

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