27C3 & berlinsides Activities


26|12|2010 day0 SO
* setting c-base
27|12|2010 day1 MO
* open mainhall, bisher kein spezielles Programm
28|12|2010 day2 DI
* ETI: BerlinSides 11:30 – 20:00
* mainhall: Workshop Verfassungsbeschwerde Do-it-yourself 10:00-17:00
* mainhall: „The Geek Insurrection“ Vorträge presented by classless kulla ab 18:00
29|12|2010 day3 MI
* ETI: BerlinSides 11:00 – 21:00
* open mainhall, bisher kein spezielles Programm
30|12|2010 day4 DO
* ETI: BerlinSides 11:00 – 20:30
* mainhall: 27C3 After Congress Lounge ab 20:00
31|12|2010 day5 FR
* E.V.A.: Journey To The End Of The Year 2010!
* mainhall *TBA*

##### Details:

27|12|2010 day1 MO
mainhall: just open und schauen was passiert, am besten ab 10:00 Tresen
wir werden wohl an diesem Tag der „Tränenpalast“ sein, für angereiste 27c3 NICHT-Teilnehmer, deshalb, bis jetzt- kein special Programm an diesem Tag!
E.T.I.: Aufbau der berlinsides-crew im E.T.I. mit Unterstützung der c-base-crew!

28|12|2010 day2 DI
*Verfassungsbeschwerde Do-it-yourself*
mainhall: 10-17 Uhr mit Rechtsanwalt bengoshi

*“The Geek Insurrection“ Vorträge presented by classless kulla*
mainhall: ab 18 Uhr wie jedes Jahr ein „bunter Abend“ mit classless kulla
line up:
18:00 mspro: Von der Polis zum Anderen. Die Genese der neuen Öffentlichkeit
19:00 Insurrection Videos
19:15 classless Kulla: Ganz schön durchsichtig. Warum Wahrheit und Transparenz nicht frei machen
20:00 Dmytri Kleiner: P2P Communism Vs The Client Server State – the political economy of network topologies
21:00 Ellen Dudley: Designing electronics as social objects
21:45 Jeff Man: How Does Technology Feel?
22:00 Pod/xlterrestials: Citizen Kino. A Live Media Intervention
Alle Infos hier: http://www.classless.org/2010/12/07/chaos-congress-c-side-the-geek-insurrection/

E.T.I.: BerlinSides
11:30 Keynote Aluc
12:00 Talk Code deobfuscation by optimization gljiva
13:00 Talk Femtocell Security tsaitgaist
14:00 Talk WikiLeaks Research Project corbett
15:00 Talk Egress 0hm
16:00 Talk Extroverted Spaces willowbl00
17:00 Talk Towards The Domain Key Infrastructure dakami
18:00 Talk Real Men Still Carry Pink Pagers goodspeed
19:00 Talk Magic 8-Ball Cyber Predictions johnbumgarner
20:00 all move over to the Phonoelit Party @ Cassiopeia
„It’s our annual party accompanying the 27C3 Congress and for the first time this year SecurityBsides Berlin aka BerlinSides. Unfortunaltely this year we have to move away from c-base as they are having issues hosting parties with Berlin’s regulatory agency. But c-base will not at all be an abandoned place as BerlinSides found a home in there.
We managed to find some very hospitable people here at the Cassiopeia. This enables us to provide you TWO! floors with the DJ Vela and the TimeCoderz aka Dom & Mumpi on the main floor’s decks and Illo spinning some funky music on the second floor. Entry will be free till midnight, after that it’s going to be 5 Euros! Party hard!“

29|12|2010 day3 MI
mainhall: tresen ab 10:00 Uhr
bis jetzt *kein* workshop programm tagsüber…

update: ab 19:00 treffen sich android hacker in der mainhall. http://android-in-berlin.de

es gibt die idee, am abend ein „hackspace get-together“ zu veranstalten, mal schauen was Nickf4rr und andere „so“ dazu sagen. *tba*

E.T.I.: BerlinSides
11:00 Talk Hacking the Media dennis_fisher
12:00 Talk Recent advances in IPv6 insecurities vanHauser
13:00 Talk OMG-WTF-PDF Julia Wolf
14:00 Talk “Stratagem 1 „Deceiving the heavens to cross the sea” 瞒天过 海 Jstreet
15:00 Talk NetS-X: Network Security eXperience ogollemon
16:00 Talk Financing The Revolution: Safe and private value transactions with digital cash sneak
17:00 Talk Pushing in, and pulling out slowly without anyone paying attention iamit
18:00 Talk Visualization and Analysis of Large Scale Datasets with Opensource Tools corbett
19:00 Talk Replacing pentester with script kost
20:00 Talk Surviving a Teleporter Accident jack_daniel
21:00 Talk Hacker Speed Debates jack_daniel

30|12|2010 day4 DO
mainhall: tresen ab 10:00
mainhall: 27C3 After Congress Lounge ab 20:00

E.T.I.: BerlinSides
11:00 Talk DanKam: Augmented Reality For Color Blindness dakami
12:00 Talk Hunting Bugs in Vector Spaces fabs
13:00 Talk JTAG/Serial/FLASH/PCB Embedded Reverse Engineering Tools and Techniques cyphunk
14:00 Talk Ruby on Rails from a code auditor’s perspective joernchen
15:00 Talk Building Custom Disassemblers FX
16:00 Talk Non-Obvious Bugs by Example greg
17:00 Talk Intermediate Reversing wishi
18:00 Talk Sagan real-time log/event monitoring & correlation beave
19:00 Talk Grid Calendar guckes
20:00 Quick Closing Aluc
20:30 Shutdown -h now

31|12|2010 day5 FR
mainhall *TBA*
E.V.A.: Journey To The End Of The Year 2010!
Mehr Infos: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/wiki/Journey_Berlin
Party after 9 pm
Music: RubbelDeCatc 00.00 AM

Beitrag veröffentlicht


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2 Antworten zu „27C3 & berlinsides Activities“

  1. […] since the “techno phantasms” began to colonize the social ecology.xlterrestrials.org/plog@ c-base – Rungestraße 20 – 10179 Berlin-Mitte This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 7th, 2010 at […]

  2. […] „27C3“, für den es keine Karten mehr gibt. Laut Daniel Kulla, der den Abend in der C-Base organisiert hat, ist der Eintritt kostenlos und ein „27C3″-Ticket ist für den […]