c-base Multitouch Hackfest

Vom 27-30|12|2k9 findet das Multitouch Hackfest in der c-base statt. Zwei Tische sind an Bord: der c-base MTC: https://www.libavg.de/wiki/index.php/Building_a_MultiTouch_Console und Macro Kuhn’s Play Box: http://www.hi-pi.de/play/?page_id=4. Außerdem ist Material da, um ein 30“ Display in ein Multitouchgerät zu verwandeln – inkl. dem Know-How. Ist der nach 4 Tagen lauffähig, kriegen wir das Material von Archimedes geschenkt, sonst muß es wieder zurück – also ran an das Modul.

*Programm Tag 1 – 27|12|2k9*

16:00 coder – Tutorial: More than Code
What types of applications make sense on an MT device? What does multitouch mean for user interface design? What project ideas are out there?

16:30 Martin Heistermann – Tutorial: Developing Multitouch Applications using libavg
Overview of the API and capabilities of the library installed on both the devices in the c-base

17:00 Marco Kuhn – Tutorial: Next Generation Multitouch Hardware
Building MT devices yourself using LCD screens and the Diffused Surface Illumination (DSI) technique.

*Programm Tag 2 – 28|12|2k9*

16:00 Florian Echtler – libTISCH and LED Pulsing
Two mini-tutorials about the mt-library libTISCH and synchronizing LEDs with the shutter times of cameras.

*Programm Tag 3 – 29|12|2k9*

16:00 Excursion
Excursion to the Human Computer Interaction Lab at the HPI in Potsdam (http://www.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/baudisch/projekte.html). Meeting point 16:00, c-base Mainhall, arrival at the HPI 17:00.

*Programm Tag 4 – 30|12|2k9*

17:00 Presentation
Presentation of the results of the Hackfest. Subsequently: Congress closing event, then after-congress-party featuring the devices running the new software.

Mehr Infos unter http://events.ccc.de/congress/2009/wiki/Multitouch_Hackfest

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