3rd Journal club on Sunday 22.04.

Sunday 22|04|2012 19:00 in the c-base seminar room

we held another successful journal club on Monday with papers about quaternary extinction, protein-protein interaction screening and abiotic RNA synthesis.
Since it was so much fun, we decided to hold the next one on Sunday April the 22nd, 19:00 in the c-base seminar room.
Please come and present your papers! As always I am pleased to suggest paper for you to read.

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2 Antworten zu „3rd Journal club on Sunday 22.04.“

  1. Avatar von housetier

    ja fett geil! hoffentlich habe ich Zeit!

    Was kannst du mir denn vorschlagen?

  2. Avatar von Ragnaroek23

    tut mir leid ich hab das Logbuch erst zu spät gecheckt. Normalerweise machen wir per Mail.
    Komm doch einfach vorbei, und dann schlag ich dir was fürs nächste Mal vor.