Memories of Berlin Hack and Tell #5

So, that was Berlin Hack and Tell #5  and as always we had quite a big range of different talks and a lot of fun! More than 90 hackers found their way through the rain into the main hall of the space station.

We started with a intro of ProfitBricks by showing their beta tool of building IaaS solutions by drag and drop in the browser. Profitbricks also was the sponsor of the #5 Hack&Tell and made all the hackers happy with delicious pizza. You can read about what the folks are doing and how you can become a valuable part in their success as a kernel programmer, system administrator or web developer here.

The first hack was a windows 7 widget for sending text messages without grabbing your phone or opening any software. Read more about it here. After this a wikipidea life time visualisation was shown, rendering 25 pictures per second and showing the growth over time.
This quite interesting hack was followed by a OS with a very small memory footprint written in Go. The slides rocked and were quite funny but since we are hackers we wanted to see code. This you can find it on github.

Next on stage was presenting their beta launch of a electronic music event search tool. A beautiful and yet clean ui ( js + css), a cool demo and you can register for beta here.
After being quite serious a remake of the cool pushover game was presented, nice demo of the old school game and the shiny new one with extended levels. Crowed really loved it and people got touched by this as they loved the old game :). It’s open source, get it while its hot and consider to become a contributor.

The regular flew market shortly before the break helped people looking for jobs or developers and got conversations started.

And then finally the main reason for most people coming arrived: The pizza! Actually they came in three batches as we ordered so many. Engaged in intense conversations and eating their fair share of the food.

After the break miniature chess was on stage, crazy setup as they needed to plug in their mobile phone into the beamer on the ceeling, using a cable through half the room. Cool techie stuff about doing a chess game in QT with interesting aspect of testing it. They are still looking for help, too!

A spontanous, very cool small hack was the finish of this event. The tiny script changes the modification time of the committed files to achieve that the first few letters of the git commit hash matches a given pattern. This way you could (re)introduce revision numbers or spell your name in every commit. How cool is that?! Check it out here.

Looks like almost everyone has a hack somewhere sleeping in a folder or a github repo, so drag them out and let them shine at the next Hack and Tell!

If you didn’t already done it…

We’ll be back on November 17th for a Special Edition with Google-Hacks and in the middle of December for the next “normal” Hack and Tell with the full fletched range of hacks.To stay connected and updated you can follow the updates on Twitter and Facebook.

Until then: HACK THE PLANET!

Your organizers,
Tobi ( @tosa / G+ ) and Stefan ( @stefanhoth / G+ )

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