Vortrag – offene Schnittstellen für soziale Netzwerke

Do. 03.09.2009 20:00 – Eintritt frei

Das Problem an den APIs von Facebook, Myspace und Studi Vz. ist ihre geschlossene Benutzergruppe. Henry von bblfish wird am Donnerstag Möglichkeiten präsentieren, die quasi den „Next Step“ in sachen sociel Networks darstellen. Nach seiner Idee sollen Adressen, Playlists und Nachrichten über offene Protokolle beliebig austauschbar sein.

Hier das Abstract von Henry

The Social Web
How to free yourself of your social networks and create a global community

On current Social Networks (Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn,…) every user has a limited view of the network available to him. The provider on the other hand has a complete view of the network. In the case of Facebook this can be huge: it has a view of the full 250 million members and their relationships. This is just one of the many problems with current social networks.

We can now do the same and cut out the middleman. The solution with foaf+ssl is secure, RESTful, works in current browsers and can give the user 100% control over his/her data. It will also enable the growth of interlinked social networks to universities, companies, governments, enabling a whole new category of business models to emerge.

There are Open Source implementations in PHP, Python, Perl, Java….http://programm.froscon.org/2009/events/491.en.html

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