Kategorie: cult
Musikvideo: Wayne Lost Soul – A Cautionary Tale
Wieder einmal wurde die fantastische Kulisse, die unsere Raumstation abgibt für profane popkulturelle Promotion missbraucht! Wayne Lost Soul, Punk-Singer/Songwriter aus England, hat im August ein neues Album veröffentlicht: „Another Knife In My Back“. Zum Song „A Cautionary Tale“, in dem es um Verschwörungstheorien geht, hat das Stream-Team (cven, gerry, e-punc) mit Wayne ein Musikvideo auf…
Launch of CODE RED, 20.04.2015 20 Uhr @ c-base
What happens when the forces of government surveillance are confronted by the combined power of the world’s most renowned technologists, whistleblowers and privacy activists? Answer: meltdown! On Monday 20th April, c-base will host the launch of this very initiative. Code Red involves such figures as Tor’s Jacob Appelbaum, former NSA technical director William Binney,…
2nd Sailfish OS Meetup (June, 2nd)
Almost two month ago the first Sailfish OS Meetup happend. Unfortunately during the last weeks there was no time for me to organise the next meetings but I am going to do this now again. Here are the facts: When? Monday, June, 2nd, 7pm Where? main hall, c-base Who? Everyone interested in SailfishOS! It would…
1st SailfishOS Meetup Berlin (March, 5th)
Do you remember the days when Meego Freedays happend at our beloved space station? Let us meet again soon! In the last days of 2013 a small Finnish start up founded by parts of the former Maemo/Meego team an Nokia launched a smartphone („Jolla“) running an operation system called Sailfish OS. This is remarkable as…
BWCBWASP – c-base transmediale programme
BWCBWASP Back When c-base Was A Space Station c-base Official transmediale Vorspiel Event 27.01. – 03.02.2013 Su 27.01. 20:00 +KAOS „Il libro sui 10 anni di A/I“ Mo 28.01. 20:00 dorkbot.bln „People doing strange things with electricity.“ Tu 29.01. 18:30 Berlin Hack ’n‘ Tell „#18 – BWIWAB“ We 30.01. 20:00 dev community „free your android“…
Ich kann mich tracken, also bin ich.
Am 24.1.2013 findet der 2.Quantified Self Show and Tell Berlin in der c-base statt. Schaut mal ins Programm und meldet euch an.